Improving Inhaler Technique Pilot – Webinar On Demand

This is the LINK to a recording from the webinar hosted by the Cheshire and Merseyside LPCs, Beyond CYP, and CPGM Healthcare Ltd (CHL) recorded on Monday 27 February 2023.

This webinar was open to providers of the ‘Improving Inhaler Technique pilot’ service which is funded by the Beyond: Children and Young People’s Transformation Programme. This project is running across targeted areas of Cheshire and Merseyside.

This webinar will provide an overview and an introduction to this service for Pharmacists and Pharmacy Technicians.

The objectives of the webinar are to bring understanding to:

  • Training requirements
  • What preparation is required before starting to recruit patients
  • How to deliver a consultation with a child and their guardian
  • ACT and CAT score, and In-Check device
  • How to become familiar with demonstrating correct technique
  • How to tailor your consultation and inhaler technique for children
  • Advice on how to deliver the service in your pharmacy
